Thursday, May 2, 2013

And so it begins...

Well, here I am, big decision made to start blogging about my weight loss journey. Whether or not anyone ever reads it, at least I’ve gotten the words that are going through my mind off of my chest.

For most of my adult life I have struggled with my weight. I don’t remember being overly conscious of any weight issues throughout high school. Since graduation, 20+ahem years ago, it seems to be very much on my mind. Whether that’s due to the overwhelming inundation in the media nowadays about being thin or whatever the case may be who knows. All I know is that I’ve been on the weight yo-yo ride for quite some time.

I’ve been weighing myself on a regular basis. Last week I came to the horrifying realization that the scale at my doctor’s office is 10 pounds higher than the one I’ve been using at home. That discrepancy has been on my mind for the better part of the last week. Regardless of how well I feel like I’ve been doing; walking regularly, eating better, drinking so much water that my eyeballs are floating…. My mental state has been negatively skewed because I have felt like I’ve made NO progress whatsoever and have, in fact, gained. This may be an overreaction to the situation, but it’s still me and it’s MY reaction and I am unbelievably bummed about it. I go through each day still exercising, still trying to eat well, and still drinking the water as is good for my health and well-being. Yet….what’s the point. I don’t feel like I’m making progress. I look in the mirror and wonder, “who is this person and how did she get to this point?”

To add insult to injury, my scale at home bit the dust. One of my co-workers gave me the idea to ignore the scale and take measurements of different parts of my body. Use those measurements as my guide for weight loss and how I’m feeling as opposed to a number on a scale that can, apparently, completely screw up my psyche. THAT is my current plan. We’ll see how that goes and I’ll post my journey here.

Thanks for listening…